Exhibition hall project
Postpartum recovery center project
Mother and child program
Supermarket project
Children's shopping mall project
Stadium project
Tennis and badminton project
Homestay project

Pain points of construction project owners (investors, developers, contractors, construction units)

No project investment experience, no confidence in the specific implementation of the project, no construction application experience, no experience in the project management system, no relevant departments for project management, unfamiliar with the project process, no experience in project design, worry about design companies fooling around, no project contract Management experience, no engineering procurement experience, no engineering cost experience, quotation traps, most of the projects added later, no engineering construction experience, worry about the construction team fooling around, no engineering acceptance experience, the project is too small to hire a third-party supervisor, and finally can only listen As the general contractor, he did what he said, and everyone broke up.

Managers who do not have engineering majors, such as architecture, design, structure, electromechanical, municipal, decoration, cost, intelligence, etc., or engineering professionals who do not have a sufficient number and ability; multiple functions exceed the owner's management capabilities and management scope

1. Temporarily set up project departments and personnel

What about single, temporary, and completed projects? It is difficult to manage and costly to pay for the severance of engineering management personnel

2. Ask a friend or acquaintance for help

The project involves many majors, and the project cycle is long. If you are not a dog friend, you will pay some fees and cannot concentrate on it

3. Find a friend of a friend for construction

You don’t understand, there are many uncertain factors in the project, for the sake of profit, there is no standard, no process, no supervision, stretching, exhaustion, etc.

Which projects can engineering consulting manage?

New construction, reconstruction, reconstruction and expansion projects:

Including but not limited to restaurant project; beauty salon project; kindergarten project; clubhouse project; training center project; enterprise flagship store project; stadium project; physical examination center project; enterprise chain store project; enterprise showroom project; Factory projects; corporate office projects; hotel projects; supermarket projects, etc.

Relationship between consulting management and owners and construction participants

The project management services provided by EICM usually include consulting services in the early stage of the project and management services during the implementation period. During specific implementation, the duties and services of the project management company are extensive and flexible, mainly determined according to the contract with the owner. PM companies generally do not sign contracts with contractors, but are only responsible for management, coordination and supervision:

What are the advantages of engineering project consulting management?

The core of engineering project management is to add value to the project under the premise of ensuring the realization of the use function, and the work of the management company is a kind of value-added service work. Its value-added is mainly manifested in two aspects.

Project construction value-added: ensure the safety of project construction, ensure the quality of project construction, ensure the control of project investment, ensure the goal of project duration, ensure that the process is in compliance with laws and regulations, and ensure the realization of use functions.

Value-added during the project life: ensure the safety of the project, the project is conducive to environmental protection, the project is conducive to energy saving, it is conducive to reducing the cost of use, it is conducive to prolonging the life of the project, and it is conducive to property maintenance and management.

Engineering management consulting usually does not make decisions per se, but it can bridge the gap between the responsibilities and capabilities of decision-makers. According to the entrustment of decision-makers, consultants use their own knowledge, experience, and acquired investigation data to provide decision-makers with scientific and reasonable one or more alternative suggestions or programs, so as to reduce decision-making mistakes. The decision-makers here can be not only government agencies at all levels, but also business leaders or owners of specific construction projects.

Due to the one-off nature of construction projects and the many complex management tasks involved in their implementation, owners are usually unable to manage them by themselves. PM companies and personnel have professional knowledge and experience in this area, and they are responsible for the management of the project implementation process, which can detect and deal with problems in a timely manner, greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project implementation process management, and reduce management errors. So as to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

PM companies often concentrate a certain number of engineering experts, engineering technicians and engineering management personnel, possess a large amount of information, knowledge, experience and advanced technology, and can provide information and technical services according to the owner's needs at any time, making up for the owner's engineering technology and information. lack of.

Design management is the most critical link in the process of project construction. The quality of design work directly determines the final quality level of the project, and also determines the order and cost of project implementation. Any flaws in the design will expand and enlarge during planning, construction, and operation, resulting in greater mistakes and losses. In view of this, PM company can use its own professional experience to effectively control design schemes, technical schemes, construction drawings, etc., to ensure that the project achieves the effective unity of "functional quality, cost, construction period, and safety" under the premise of satisfying the use function.

excellent team

In general, the organizational structure of the project management team should at least meet the following requirements (finally determined according to the entrustment model).

1. Ability that the manager of the project management department should have: must have a certain technical foundation and business technical ability; should have strong organization, coordination and control, analysis and decision-making, expression and response, and social skills.

2. Project application team: 1~2 people should be familiar with the engineering project management workflow, master the application procedures, and should have strong coordination, expression, and social skills.

3. Engineering technology group: composed of professional and technical personnel in the construction, structure, HVAC, water supply and drainage, electrical, intelligent building, etc., who should have design experience or be familiar with design management.

4. Procurement and contract management team: 2 to 3 people should be assigned, who should be familiar with the construction process of engineering projects and the laws and regulations of bidding and contracts, and should have strong organizational, expression, and social skills.

5. Investment control group: It is composed of civil engineering, plumbing, and electrical cost personnel, and should have strong coordination and control, analysis, and expression capabilities.

6. Planning and coordination group: composed of 2 people. Should be familiar with the project construction process, and should have strong organization and coordination, response, and control capabilities.

7. Comprehensive administrative group: composed of data and information management personnel and other personnel, 2~3 people. Data and information management personnel should be familiar with the project construction process and data management regulations.

Five Project Management Processes

Initiation process, planning process, execution process, monitoring process, closing process

Ten major project management systems

Project integration management, project scope management, project schedule management, project cost management, project quality management, project resource management, project communication management, project risk management, project procurement management, project stakeholder management, PMP project management

With the application of concepts such as green environmental protection and low-carbon energy saving in the construction industry, the connotation of the project cost has also changed from the past construction cost to the "full cycle cost" including operating cost and maintenance and repair cost. Therefore, when estimating the cost target, an experienced PM company must not only calculate the construction cost, but also consider various factors such as project safety, quality, function, operating cost, maintenance and repair cost, etc., and strive to achieve "full-cycle cost optimal".

Consciously safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the state, the collective and the parties involved is the responsibility of every project builder. The managers of PM companies are generally professionals who have been engaged in project management all year round. They are familiar with and understand national and local laws, regulations, and work procedures related to construction projects. Therefore, they can effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of violations of laws, disciplines, and regulations. , to ensure the realization of construction projects under the sun.

The main points of foreign management companies’ construction quality control are different from ours, especially the design of European and American countries is quite conservative compared with our country’s, and it is even a waste in our opinion. brand. Their philosophy is that well-known companies should and will abide by the principle of honesty and credit to perform contracts, and will not maliciously cut corners.

They spend far less energy on quality control than we do, but that doesn't mean they don't take quality seriously. They also pay more attention to some subtle things, pay more attention to the appearance, and hate the behavior of destroying the finished product.

Generally in the initial stage of construction, the progress of the project should be as fast as possible. When encountering unfavorable factors, try to increase the investment in exchange for the construction period. For example, if it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the backfill soil in rainy days, the gravel backfill will be used, requiring the contractor to add additional labor and equipment.

They will put forward specific requirements for the contractor's labor force, etc. When the contractor cannot complete the specified work according to the quality and progress requirements, a third party will be entrusted to complete the work, and the required expenses will be directly deducted from the contractor's project payment. It is inconceivable to us that their consent is not required.

The foreign management company is responsible to the owner, but it has a lot of power in the project cost and has the decision-making power in the payment of the project change cost and progress payment. The contractor only needs to deal with the management company, not the owner. Of course, the management company will negotiate with the owner, especially when large funds are involved, and the owner's support must be obtained.

Each management company has its own construction safety management manual, and most of them use pictures and texts to make detailed regulations on such things as scaffolding erection, hoisting, safe use of electricity, empty work, use of flammable and toxic gases, and labor protection.

Its safety management engineers also have relatively strong powers. For example, the safety director of KVAERNER in the United Kingdom works independently of other departments of the project. If the safety does not meet the requirements, he can not start work, demand stoppage fines, and even punish units that violate the regulations. or individuals are expelled from the scene. It may be quite difficult for us to do this.

Most of the contracts of management companies have the shadow of FIDIC contract clauses, and some copy them completely. Their engineers have a very strong contract awareness and attach great importance to contract management. Their contracts are extremely detailed. In addition to rights and obligations, their contracts also list the very detailed scope of work, specifications, and acceptance standards as much as possible. Some acceptance standards are higher than my country's national standards.

Once encountering unclear problems during the construction process, the first thing they think of is to overturn the contract.

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Email: cyu@Koomiya.com

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